Hunter and Lauren || Idaho Falls Engagement Photographer


Although Casey and I didn’t know each other growing up we had both knew Hunter’s family. My mom and step dad were couple friends with Hunter’s parents and would go on double dates with them often. Casey grew up on the same street as Hunter’s family. Casey would babysit them when they would go on those double dates with my parents. I was always bugged that Hunter’s family had this boy babysitting that they spoke so highly of because I thought I could have been babysitting for them during those dates instead. One time my mom even dropped off my little sister Brooke for Casey to babysit also. Now I understand why they loved having him as their babysitter though because he is so wonderful with kids. No matter if it is at the clinic with his clients or at a photo shoot, or with our children, he continuously amazes me with his patience and loving nature with kids. So although I missed out on all those babysitting jobs, I ended up marrying the babysitting which is a much bigger win.

Now all these years later, it’s crazy that little Hunter is all grown up and getting married. Makes us feel old. We are so excited for him and Lauren and loved that we were able to take his engagement pictures for them.


Mix of film and digital images. Film images were shot on the Pentax 645n with Kodak Portra 400 film and developed at The FIND Lab.


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